On October 23 and 24 the 9 BIOGOV partners will meet in Santiago de Compostela in Spain (also see Events). While Santiago is the end of the famous Camino for many walkers, for the BIOGOV partners it’s a stopover where they meet to exchange results of their activities and make plans how to carry on.
Peer review. After the meeting, from 25 to 30 October, a so called peer review will be held. A peer review is an instrument for mutual learning that already has proven its value in the BIOGOV project. In this case the activities carried out in the region of Ancares will be reviewed by representatives from regions from Sweden and the Netherlands. In Spain, traditional forestry and traditional cattle grazing activities play an important role in conserving biodiversity. How can these traditional landscapes become the base of nature tourism integrated into local reality?
Sweden (Västra Götaland) will share experiences and give advice about the measurement of a good balance in biodiversity, mainly in areas with solitary trees. Netherlands (Fryslân) will bring in recommendations about the improvement of biodiversity in meadow land. Fryslân will also share its experiences with the forming of collectives of farmers who include nature in their business operations. It is expected Sweden and Fryslân in turn will take back home valuable practices from Spain, mainly on policy implementation of Green Infrastructures.