A group of 24 professionals come to Noardeast Fryslan (13-18 november 2019) to interview stakeholders on how to improve biodiversity using the policy instrument 'Omgevingsplan'. The professionals follow a course on Facilitating Multistakeholder partnerships from Wageningen University - Centre for Development Innovation. 

The output of the field work will be a presentation given to all interested parties (to be) involved in the development of an ‘Omgevingsplan’ for biodiversity conservation in NoardEast Fryslân’, including: 

a. Concrete recommendations how to design, establish and facilitate a participatory process towards the development of an ‘Omgevingsplan’ for biodiversity conservation in NoardEast Fryslân’;

i. How to facilitate such Omgevingsplan development and what role can the municipal- and provincial government play?

ii. Which stakeholders should be represented?

iii. What should be further steps in the MSP process in order to work towards an integrated ‘Omgevingsplan’ , in which all the different interests are taken into account?

b. Scenarios formulated for the content of the ‘Omgevingsplan’ NoardEast Fryslân’ 

iv. What are the views of the stakeholders on the Omgevingsplan, what should it look like?

v. Bringing the different stakeholder views together: what scenarios can be developed

vi. For each scenario do a SWOT

vii. Ideas on how to finance such an Omgevingsplan

viii. Ideas on how and who to monitor the implementation of the Omgevingsplan to assess if biodiversity is improved

ix. Ideas on how the municipal and provincial government can support the proposals emerging in the draft Omgevingsplan.