Action Plan towards Bio-based Circular Economy in Sud Muntenia Region, Romania

Progress in the implementation of the four actions of the Action Plan are as follows:

ACTION 1: Review of Regional Operational Programme funding instrument

The instrument in the focus of the BIOREGIO project in Romania is the Regional Operational Programme, ROP 2014-2020 Axis 1, Specific Objective 1.1 - Increasing innovation in companies by supporting innovation and technology transfer entities in the areas of smart specialization.

The instrument was adjusted in 2020, according to the action plan. The type of call was changed from restricted to open and more types of participants were allowed. The call was initially open from 13.06.2020 to 13.08.2020 but was later extended twice, until 30.11.2020, because of lack of participation. Despite the slight changes, the instrument has remained unattractive, with a long and complicated guide for applicants and very demanding submission procedure. A lot of mandatory documents are required for eligibility, and the proposal has to be filled out both in the electronic platform (in 36 steps!), as well as in two separate documents that are annexed to the guide.

In some regions, the contracting procedure has started for the previous call (2019), and around 8 contracts were signed throughout the country (none in South Muntenia).

A second instrument, dedicated to SMEs, has been in public consultation, but the call was not launched yet.

ACTION 2: Economic and legal framework for bio-based circular economy

The most significant recent achievement in this field was that the Law of Compost came into force in August 2020. This will promote separate collection and valorisation of biowaste in Romania.

The Circular Economy Strategy is still under preparation.

ACTION 3: Promoting technologies for valorisation of biowaste/ biological streams

Efforts are being made to promote the establishment of a technology platform, but no funding was received so far.

ACTION 4: Inclusion of circular economy in the National Rural Development Programme

The applicants guide for the 2018 call for project proposals on Measure 4.1 - Investments in agricultural holdings was modified to include circular bioeconomy. The project submission period was 03.09.2018 - 31.03.2019 .

You can explore this Action Plan more in detail both in Romanian and English language.