Implementation of New Bio-based Circular Economy Measures in Nitra Self-governing Region

New Policy Instrument in Focus

Due to the preparation for the new EU programming period 2021 – 2027 and in line with the Vision and Development Strategy of Slovakia until 2030, the Nitra Region started the preparation of the new strategic development document titled Programme of the Economic and Social Development of the Nitra Self-governing Region until 2030 / Integrated Territorial Strategy of the Nitra Self-governing Region until 2030 (PESD 2030).

PESD 2030 will enable more efficient drawing of funds in the new programming period, including support for the bio-based circular economy. At the same time, it will be the basis for ensuring an integrated territorial approach in the region, supported by EU territorial instruments and integrated territorial investments. PESD 2030 is developed in close cooperation with the BIOREGIO project team from the Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra.

Participatory approach – more efficient use of funds

In the new programming period, the regions should have easier access to the EU funds. The key instrument will be the Integrated Territorial Strategy. To reflect the territorial needs and propose territorial investments (project proposals), Strategic-planning Regions were approved within the Nitra Region. Their purpose is to link regional planning with EU programming processes joining the public, civic and private sectors.

Each Strategic-planning region has project proposals ready at different levels of development and bio-based circular economy projects are also present. They mainly focus on composting, biowaste treatment, separated waste collection, kitchen waste, waste prevention, circular economy centres, and education.

At the same time, the LEADER NSK programme, which is recognised as a BIOREGIO Good Practice, still represents a very interesting funding option for small-scaled circular economy projects throughout the Nitra Region.