The BIOREGIO project aims at improving policy instruments through exchange of experience with focus on circular economy of biological streams. In order to evaluate the policy development, all project regions presented their current situation at the 2nd interregional event organised in Castilla-La Manca in November 2017.

Manuel Denia from the Regional Government of Castilla-La Mancha presenting the policy situation in Spain.

Spain - Castilla-La Mancha

A national strategy on circular economy (CE) is expected at the beginning of year 2018. The strategy will be directly connected to the Spanish strategy of bioeconomy. On regional level, a law on CE will be approved in 2018. Currently, the Regional Operational Programme does not include any reference to CE. In order for it to be in line with the waste management planning, which focuses on CE, a proposal of change in the policy instrument has been done in November 2017. According to this update, many improvements are planned, e.g. implementation of selective collection of bio-waste, waste prevention and minimization systems, as well as research and development actions. Overall promotion of industrial symbiosis and CE are emphasized.  

Finland - Päijät-Häme 

Finland’s roadmap to a CE was published in 2016 as the first national roadmap. Hence, involving CE in regional strategies has been promoted. In the region of Päijät-Häme, the strategic regional plan and regional development programme have been updated at the end of year 2017. The joint document also includes three Research and innovation strategies for smart specialisation (RIS3) spearheads of the region, one of them being CE. The updated strategy document will foster the interpretation of CE in the Structural Fund Programme. The CE targets are further defined in Päijät-Häme CE Road Map, which was published at the end of 2017. The regional CE road map is submitted as a BIOREGIO Good Practice on the Policy Learning Platform. 

Greece - Central Macedonia

A new national policy on CE is expected in year 2018. It will incorporate financial tools for the promotion of CE practices. At the moment, there is no reference made to CE in the RIS3 for the region of Central Macedonia. The introduction of CE in the RIS3 is a critical step for achieving relevant changes in the priorities of the Operational Programme.  

Slovakia - Nitra self-governing region 

In July 2017, the Programme of Economic and social development of Nitra self-governing region was updated. Focus was put on e.g. technologies for biowaste treatment and energy recovery from biowaste. Moreover, the Waste management program of the region is being amended to contribute to a sustainable CE. 

Romania - South Muntenia 

South Muntenia is the only region in Romania, which has included circular bioeconomy in its regional development strategy for 2014-2020 (RIS3). In the first part of 2017 there was a call for expressions of interest for technology transfer units, and several actors submitted letters of intent in the field of bioeconomy. Following public consultation and adjustments to the funding scheme, the first call for projects for SMEs in the Regional Operational Programme was launched in December 2017. 

France – Pays de la Loire

A national CE road map will be published in March 2018. This pursues e.g. sorting of organic waste at the source as well as sustainable consumption and production. On regional level, the CE Action Plan is currently being developed. The plan will include objectives concerning e.g. reducing food waste and recovering organic waste. It will be finalized by June 2018.


Development towards inclusion of the CE and bio-based CE in national and regional strategy documents is taking place in all the involved regions. Based on strategic development, there is a strong will to improve the policy instruments. The BIOREGIO partners will continue to be active cooperators in developing and involving bio-based CE in the regional field.