During the second day of the 3rd Interregional meeting partners visited facilities of high interest to the BIOREGIO project purposes.  

The first stop of the day was at the Thessaloniki Waste Transfer Station, where the partners had a tour in the plant and then they were welcomed to the Environmental park of Derveni (a restored old dumpsite) were the managers informed them on the targets set and the holistic approach of the Region of Central Macedonia on Solid Waste Management, also in a view of Circular Economy aspect introduced in the national legislation.

Transport Station facility

Discussions at the meeting room in the Environmental Park of Derveni

Then, BIOREGIO partners and stakeholders were welcomed in EVYP SA, a company engaged in the production of hydrolysed proteins and amino acids, of plant origin only, for agricultural use. The company is highly involved in cooperation with universities and research Institutes as they are experimenting with developing new products based strictly on plant-based raw materials. BIOREGIO partners there created new paths for future collaborations. 

Briefing of EVYP SA scopes by the facility managers 

The last visit was held on the premises of BIOGAS-LAGADA SA. The company was awarded in 2017 on their contribution to ”waste & recycling”. Its scope is the production, supply and market exploitation of electricity from renewable energy sources, specifically, biogas. Since the manager of the company was an invited Greek stakeholder in the 2nd interregional event, partners were already familiar with the unit’s goals, so they took the opportunity to further investigate the infrastructure, the technology applied and future set targets of the facility. 

Mr Athanasios Totsidis, manager of the BIOGAS Lagada is analyzing the operational process of the facility to BIOREGIO partners and invited stakeholders.