We are happy to provide you with the English translation of the BIOREGIO expert paper, Good Practices for Biological Streams in Castilla-La Mancha. Please download the article from the BIOREGIO library here. The article was originally published in the March-April issue of the technical review RETEMA. This issue of RETEMA was published in 6,000 printed copies and approximately 17,000 copies distributed online. You can read the original article, Proyecto BIOREGIO: buenas prácticas regionales en materia de economía circular de recursos orgánicos, in Spanish here on page 46-50 or download it directly from the BIOREGIO library here.

The article was written by Silvia Nieto Sevillano, Jose Luis Suárez Vicente and María Caberta de la Cruz from the Deputy Ministry of the Environment in Castilla-La Mancha. The article introduces the BIOREGIO project, the definition of the bioeconomy as well as the BIOREGIO criteria for selecting Good Practices. Moreover, the Good Practices identified in the Castilla La-Mancha region are described.  In order to share these Good Practices actively with the rest of the European Union regions and facilitate their replication, all of them are reported through the Policy Learning Platform enabled by the Interreg Europe program

Bioeconomy is a term which includes the set of activities that obtain products and services, generating economic activity by using biological resources as raw material. The production of these products comes with it the generation of a large amount of waste. Such production is presented as an opportunity under the framework of the circular economy which pursues the efficiency of sustainable resources. (Spanish Bioeconomy Strategy: Horizon 2030)