The 4th BIOREGIO Stakeholder group meeting, held on 12 September 2018, has united representatives of Regional Development Agency Sud Muntenia, Ministry of Environment, Regional Environmental Center, Ministry of Waters and Forests, Federation of Intercommunity Development Associations, Ilfov County Council, NGOs and researchers (17 participants).

Mihaela Frincu 

It was an opportunity to present the BIOREGIO project to the group of stakeholders interested in circular bio-economy and to disseminate Good Practices and technologies that were shared by our project partners.

Participants have been informed about the Good Practices presented by Greek partners in the 3rd BIOREGIO interregional event in Central Macedonia, 15-16 May 2018, and were involved in the preparation of the 4th interregional event in Romania.

The regional stakeholder meeting in Romania

Very interesting were the presentations of the participants: Transition towards a circular economy-From waste management to a green economy in Romania; Circular economy and challenges of waste management and REACH; Danube S3 Cluster Project: Transnational Cluster Cooperation active on Agro-food, based on Smart Specialization Approach in Danube region.

Also, stakeholders have made proposals regarding the action plan in the field of circular-bioeconomy.

BIOREGIO regional stakeholders