On 13th November 2018, the 2nd regional dissemination event was held in Lahti, Finland as a part of the 16th annual Lahden Tiedepäivä – Lahti Science Day. During the day, participants could see more than 50 presentations and posters on different themes related to research and development activities in the Päijät-Häme region, such as well-being, environment, the vital areas and the smooth everyday life. 

Figure 1. Participants of the BIOREGIO dissemination event (Photo: Katerina Medkova)

During the thematic session related to Circular Economy New Business Possibilities, BIOREGIO took the opportunity to share the knowledge and outcomes of the project. After a general introduction and an explanation of the main project goals, the Good Practices identified in all partner countries were promoted as well as the link, from where the detail information can be obtained, were shared with the audience.

Figure 2. Good Practices of BIOREGIO project were presented (Photo: Katerina Medkova)

After that, the action plan of the Päijät-Häme region and its focus areas were introduced. The process of the action plan preparation and the role of BIOREGIO were then illustrated (see Figure 3 ) and explained. At the moment, the action plan is under the validation and it is expected to be finalized by the end of 2018.

Figure 3. Illustration of the process of creating an action plan in Päijät-Häme 

The Action Plan outlines four focus areas related to the bio-based circular economy:

  1. Promoting a sustainable bio-based circular economy and enhancing nutrient cycles
  2. Pilots related to collection and utilization of biowaste
  3. Use of bio-based products and bioenergy
  4. Further development of the circular economy roadmap of the Päijät-Häme region 

Figure 4. Altogether 22 people participated in the BIOREGIO dissemination event.  (Photo: Katerina Medkova)

The BIOREGIO Finnish team would like to thank all the participants for their interest and discussion!