On Tuesday, 14.5.2019, the BIOREGIO partners and stakeholders from 6 EU countries met in Nitra, Slovakia for the 5th interregional event focusing on Biofuels and Agricultural Innovations.

During the first day of the event, nearly 60 participants have been present. In the morning session, there were three main lectures dedicated to the policy development at the national and regional level and to the issue of the circular economy as a lifestyle.

Figure 1. BIOREGIO partners presenting Good PRactices identified in their regions (photo: Katerina Medkova)

Stakeholders from all BIOREGIO partner regions have presented their examples of good practices from various areas related to circular bio-economy (e.g. technologies, governance models, successful projects, waste management systems, etc.) The morning session included also fruitful discussion in small groups on topics such as policy development challenges, technologies related to biofuels and agricultural innovations and circular economy as a lifestyle.

At the beginning of the afternoon session, Susanna Vanhamäki, BIOREGIO project manager, presented the expectations of the Action Plans as an introduction to the following session, during which the representatives from all partner regions introduced their Action plan proposals. This part of the meeting was followed by interesting round table discussion focused on defining the actions, how the interregional learning contributed to the development of the action plans and representatives of the authorities had the opportunity to describe their cooperation and dialogue within stakeholder groups. BIOREGIO team from SUA showed a short video on how the BIOREGIO project inspired the policy instruments in the Nitra region.

Figure 2. BIOREGIO partners discussing the regional Action Plans (photo: Katerina Medkova)

The afternoon session was completed by Steering Group meeting and information about all important project issues, including the communication evaluation.