On 3 June 2019, BIOREGIO project was present at the IMPLEMENTATION of CIRCULAR ECONOMY in the AGRICULTURE, FOOD and FORESTRY INDUSTRY event organized by the Institute for Research in Circular Economy and Environment “Ernest Lupan”– IRCEM, an independent non-governmental association from Cluj-Napoca, Romania.

Figure 1. Mihaela Frincu presenting BIOREGIO project

The event was held at Calarasi County Council, Calarasi, Romania and it is a part of a series of 8 sector consultations in the 8 regions of Romania within the project Romania’s Strategy for the Transition to a Circular Economy (ROCES) 2020-2030. After consultations, the project will propose a roadmap for developing the Romanian Circular Economy Strategy STRATEGY by 2030.

The purpose of the conference was to involve corporate representatives, representatives of NGOs, public sector, academics, consultancy firms, technology providers and service providers to discuss a transition to the Circular Economy in the Agro-Food and Forestry System over the next 10 years in Romania. 

It was an opportunity to present the BIOREGIO project and to disseminate good practices and technologies to improve knowledge related to the circular economy of biological materials and to increase the recycling rates of these materials.   

About 25 participants represented local and governmental authorities, SMEs, industry representatives as well as experts research specialists.  

More information about the event is available here.