The BIOREGIO project aims at improving policy instruments through an exchange of experience with a focus on circular economy of biological streams. As an outcome of the interregional learning,  regional Action Plans are designed. The Action Plans implementation will be monitor over the period 2020-2021.

Policy situation in partner regions presented at the 6th interregional meeting in Nantes, France. 

Finland - Päijät-Häme 

The Päijät-Häme Region was first to present its Action Plan to foster bio-based circular economy. This Action Plan has been jointly written by Lahti University of Applied Sciences and the Regional Council of Päijät-Häme. It has been finally approved and signed in May 2019 by the Päijät-Häme Region Mayor. 


  1. Promoting a sustainable bio-based circular economy and enhancing nutrient cycles
  2. Pilots in biowaste collection and recovery
  3. Promoting the use of bioproducts and bioenergy
  4. Päijät-Häme as an international reference area for circular economy

The Action plan also puts into practice the Päijät-Häme Circular Economy Roadmap, which is regularly updated as a part of the Regional Development Strategy and Plan. Lessons learned in BIOREGIO will be considered in the preparation work of the new Regional Development Strategy and Plan.

Spain - Castilla-La Mancha

In Spain, the Castilla-La Mancha Region has approved a Circular Economy Law. Inspired by the good practice “Regional road map towards circular economy”, developed by the Päijät-Häme region, the Deputy Regional Ministry of Environment decided to integrate the approval of a circular economy strategy as an objective in its regional Action Plan. To answer the issue of biowaste management in isolated or dispersed rural areas, where a high percentage of Castilla-La Mancha population lives, the 2nd action of this Action plan focuses on the promotion of domestic and community composting of bio-waste.

Greece - Central Macedonia

The Action plan towards bio-based circular economy of the Central Macedonia Region was approved, on 23.10.2019.


  1. Pilot projects of cooperative innovation/R&D in the field of biowaste energy utilization
  2. Creation of a structure for supporting the biowaste value chain

Slovakia - Nitra self-governing region

The Nitra Self-Governing Region Action Plan is a result of close cooperation of the Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra (SUA), Office of the Nitra Self-Governing Region and the group of regional stakeholders. Its actions are in line with the Update of the Action Plan of the Programme of the Economic and Social Development of the Nitra Self-Governing Region 2016–2022 for the period 2019–2021, which has been approved by the Nitra Self-Governing Region (NSGR) Council in May 2019 (ResolutionNo.81/2019). 


  1. Promoting the dissemination and application of the principles of the circular economy
  2. Elaboration of concept materials for use of biowaste energy and support for the biowaste technologies introduction
  3. Implementation of measures and projects aimed at streamlining the management system with communal waste, biodegradable communal waste and biowaste

Romania - South Muntenia 

The South Muntenia Region proved a policy change regarding the “National Rural Development Programme 2014-2020 (PNDR) for Romania the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD)” thanks to the BIOREGO project. The applicants guide for the 2018 call for project proposals on Measure 4.1 - Investments in agricultural holdings was modified to include bio-based circular economy. In its BIOREGIO Action plan, 4 actions have been designed to foster this topic of bio-based circular economy in both in national and regional policy instruments:


  1. Review of Regional Operational Programme funding instrument
  2. Economic and legal framework for bio-based circular economy
  3. Promoting technologies for valorisation of biowaste/ biological streams
  4. Inclusion of circular economy in the National Rural Development Programme

The Action Plan is still under validation.

France – Pays de la Loire

The Regional Council of Pays de la Loire has adopted on 16th October 2019 its Action plan favouring circular economy (PRAEC), as part of its Waste prevention and management plans. The BIOREGIO Action plan towards a bio-based circular economy in Pays de la Loire region was accepted in December 2019.


  1. Foster and support bio-based circular economy initiatives among civil society and the private sector through example-based information and awareness-raising
  2. Foster the bio-based circular economy component in the Circular Economy Regional Call for Projects
  3. Strengthen, through supervision and training, the coherence of public policies around biomass management in the territories
  4. Experiment the construction of bio-based circular economy territories based on new solutions resulting from research and innovation

Discover all the regional action plans on our dedicated page!