On the 15th of June 2021, the Blue Green City partners and stakeholders attended to the webinar and online workshop „Animal-Aided Design”, organized by Ingolstadt City and Technical University of Vienna, represented by Prof. Dr. Thomas Hauck.
Animal-Aided Design (AAD) is a methodology for the design of open spaces which combines landscape architecture (aiming on humans) and nature conservation (aiming on biodiversity). The basic idea of AAD is to include the presence of wild animals in the planning process, such that they are an integral part of the design.
The main aims of AAD are:
• Promoting the existence of animal species in urban areas by including the needs of these species in urban design and open space planning;
• New creative challenge in design;
• Extending the range of species in urban nature and species protection;
• Exploting the potentials of digitalisation.
The participants had the opportunity to engage in discussions through working groups, share experiences and find out how this method works.
Find more information about the „Animal-Aided Design”at: animal-aided-design.de