The Blue Green City partners met at the final conference of the project, a hybrid event which took place between 10-12th of October 2022, in Ingolstadt (Germany) and brought together a large number of participants.
During the event, each partner presented the implementation status of their Municipal/Regional Action Plans (discussions being held on the obstacles encountered, results achieved, and next actions to carry out). Also, during a workshop moderated by the Advisory partner represented by Dr. Sarah Milliken from University of Greenwich, the partners discussed about the potential barriers to the adoption of Blue and Green Infrastructure that were identified in their regions, and the stakeholder engagement strategies that were used in order to overcome these barriers. The discussions continued with a brainstorming exercise which was intended to identify the outstanding barriers and future challenges regarding the implementation of BGI.
A Steering Group Meeting was held – issues such as final reporting, finances and communications were brought into discussion.
During the study visit that was organized the 2nd day of the event, the participants had the opportunity to visit the Natura 2000 protected areas from “Gerolfinger Eichenwald” (Oak Forest) that has a very special function, linking diverse habitats – humid and dry, open and wooded and “Treidelweg” a trail along the banks of the Finowkanal (Finow Canal) which is the oldest artificial waterway in Germany which is still in use. Furthermore, they enjoyed an excursion to Danube gorge, Kelheim with shipping through the gorge and visited the Weltenburg Abbey.