Representatives of the Lead Partner – Metropolis Nice Côte d’Azur and of the partner in charge with the communication within the Blue Green City project – Bucharest-Ilfov Regional Development Agency  attended the Interreg Europe 4th call projects seminars that took place in Budapest (Hungary) on 21-23 of January 2020.

The 3 day event was structured as follows:
Day 1: Seminar on finance reporting
- the topics discussed were related to financial reporting&control procedures, as well as management requirements of the Interreg Europe projects.
Day 2: Seminar regarding activities and results focused on activity reporting – expectations&requirements related to reporting of project activities, good practices and results.
Day 3: Seminar was on communication - provided guidance on the Interreg Europe publicity requirements, including practical training on developing project stories and media relations and sharing experiences&tips on various communication topics.

This event was an excellent opportunity to learn more about how to work within the projects’ framework, how to improve our project implementation process and how to deal with the media and improve storytelling.

For more information: