Between 5th and 7th of October 2020, the Blue Green City partners attended a virtual meeting organized by the Lead Partner – Nice Côte d’Azur Metropolis, in order to exchange on the development of the first action ideas to be included in the Regional Action Plans and notably, on the importance of the stakeholders’ engagement in this process.
The first two days of the meeting, the partners held presentations showcasing the enablers and shared challenges (also related to COVID-19 pandemic) faced in drafting the Action Plans, the involvement of the stakeholders and an overview of the regional stakeholders meetings, practical ways to overcome the difficulties through collaboration and sharing of expertise & good practices.
Moreover, these presentations represented an excellent opportunity to find out about new projects and initiatives about BGI and Nature-based Solutions (NbS) and the synergies between the Blue Green City project and other projects like Nature 4 City Life (France) or LOS_DAMA! (Italy).
In the last day of the meeting, the technical experts from Piedmont Region held an interesting presentation in order to share the working methodology that they will develop for the Best Practices and Policy change workshop that will take place virtually during this semester.
This document will be an useful tool for the partners to exchange knowledge concerning best practices, share ideas and suggestions about opportunities and barriers in drafting the Regional Action Plans. Based on the partners’ presentations, they gave valuable input on some key points to be discussed at the upcoming workshop.