All the ClusterFY partners and stakeholders wish you Happy Holidays and a very fruitfull 2019!

All the ClusterFY partners and stakeholders wish you Happy Holidays and a very fruitfull 2019!
After a long time without being able to organize ClusterFY face-to-face meetings, it was finally possible to meet in Albacete (Spain) for a three-day conference
ClusterFY Final conference
Future challenges of clusters
2nd June 2021
13:00 – 15:00 CEST at Digital platform
All the ClusterFY partners and stakeholders wish you Happy Holidays and a very fruitfull 2021
12 stakeholders participated to the workshop 'Strengthening University Industry Government Cooperation' in Romania organized by JRC.
During the European Week of Regions and Cities the projects brought together their experiences and results in an interactive workshop.
Cluster Morning was attended by cluster organisations, the Ministry of Economy of the Slovak Republic (MoE), the Slovak Cluster Union, and SIEA.
New Energy Coalition has recently been accredited as a European cluster organization by the European Secretariat for Cluster Analysis (ESCA).
The Covid-19 pandemic has forced the world to an almost full stop. Time came to think, reflect and find creative solutions.
The international Project ClusterFY entered in 2020 to the monitoring phase - a period associated with the implementation
ClusterFY organised a specialised regional workshop to promote the development of clusters.