CLUSTERIX 2.0 partners and stakeholders from Flanders, Lower Austria, North-East Romania and Southern Denmark met in Odense/DK on 14th to 15th June 2022 to discuss the role of clusters and regional innovation ecosystems for innovation in the health system. The program included presentations of Nation of Health (Healthcare DENMARK’s visitors’ centre with a special view to initiatives on Health Resilience), the Danish Life Science Cluster, Flanders’ Programme for Health and Care, the Health Technology Platform Lower Austria, Health Tech Clusters and the New Regional Plan for Health in Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, the MEDIC-NEST project of IMOGO-MOL N-E Romania.

In addition, the event offered the opportunity to visit the Health Innovation Centre of Southern Denmark, a centre supporting hospitals, municipalities and private companies in their innovation efforts from initiation to implementation and evaluation. The centre works with innovation, user involvement, telehealth, digitalisation, service design, health architecture design, robotics, logistics and public private innovation.

The second day was dedicated to a visit of the Odense University Hospital’s Innovation Unit, and included an introduction to their Centre for Clinical Robotics, as well as the projects Health Technology Assessment and HealthDrones.