In the first six months of the project the CLUSTERIX 2.0 partners collected a colourful bunch of good practice examples for the support of new innovation models and emerging industries through clusters. In order to better structure the different approaches and to strengthen the common understanding, the partners are now carrying out the Peer Review of Cluster-based Regional Economic Development Policies based on the methodology developed by the European Secretariat for Cluster Analysis within the European Cluster Observatory. Interviews with policy makers, intermediaries and cluster managers will flow into a benchmarking report showing the participating regions where they stand compared other regions. The report will be jointly discussed in a peer review workshop in October 2016 in Ostrava. As a tangible and useful outcome, each partner shall have a better understanding of what has to be done to further improve its policy and where to find good practice examples to learn from: both within the partner consortium and also beyond from other European regions.