The North-East Regional Development Agency is a non-governmental organization of public interest, established by law in 1999. The agency’s mission is to act as a generator of economic and social development in the North-East Region of Romania. The North-East RDA develops strategies, attracts resources, identifies and implements financing programs and offers services for stimulating sustainable economic development, partnerships and entrepreneurial spirit.

Over the past 19 years the North-East RDA implemented 685 projects funded from 25 pre-accession programs (PHARE Economic-Social Cohesion, PHARE TVET and Romanian Government’s programs) attracting 125 million Euro in the region and creating 15,000 new jobs and training/qualifying over 30,000 people. As Intermediate Body for the implementation of the Regional Operational Program 2007-2013, the agency contracted and managed more than 580 projects submitted for being funded from ERDF funds (1.500 mil. Euro total value). At the same time, the agency was Intermediate Body for the implementation of the Competitiveness Sectorial Program in the North-East Region, managing 543 projects dedicated to supporting and developing the business sector, thus attracting 111.82 million Euro in non-reimbursable funds. Presently, the NE RDA is Intermediate Body for implementation of ROP 2014-2020 in the North-East Region of Romania which has a financial ERDF allocation of 1,049 million Euro.

In addition, the agency has been involved in 57 European projects funded from various programs (such as TACIS, Leonardo da Vinci, Erasmus, 6th and 7th FPs, INTERREG IIIB and IVC, South-East Europe, Interreg Europe COSME, H2020, Taiex Regions Peer-to Peer) with a total (lead partner/partner) budget of almost 6 million Euro.

In the last years, North-East RDA put increasing emphasis on economic sectorial approaches through its Regional Smart Specialization Strategy through continuous development, improving and operationalization of RIS3 – KPI peer-review of first document updating-revision of RIS3, implementation of EDP methodology with JRC-DG Regio support, preparation of the regional project portfolio, particularly to address ROP (60 mil. Euro, 4 calls) dedicated to TT service promotion and integrated projects.

The agency is member of S3 Platform for Industrial Modernisation – Regiotex Initiative (Innovative Textiles in Europe) partnership and in process of adhering to the Interregional Partnership for Bioenergy and Smart Specialisation of the S3 Platform for Energy. At the same time, North-East RDA is member of EURADA (European Association of Development Agencies) and member of the South-East Europe Network of RDAs (SEENORDA). Starting with January 2018 NE RDA became member of ERRIN network.