There is a need for new solutions in the public sector: new approaches to welfare services, more efficient use of resources and a future oriented approach to challenges within health care, environmental sustainability, ICT, transport, etc.

Public-private innovation partnerships (PPI) can be a key driver for this development and at the same time a means for business development among corporate suppliers to the public sector.

The European Union as well a local public authorities in EU countries work to support PPI via more innovation oriented procurement processes, business clusters, innovation programmes and other initiatives on local, regional and state levels.

In 2014, the EU approved a new European Tender Directive to promote more flexible public tendering making room also for more public-private cooperation.

Within CLUSTERIX 2.0, the Region of Southern Denmark has asked the innovation company INNOBA to look into how the new Tender Directive has affected regional approaches to PPI – and in what ways regional clusters can strengthen PPI efforts.

Overall conclusions and detailed insights from the analysis are available in the library section (policy recommendation) here.