04/2019 The changing landscape of waste disposal (Sunday Circle, Malta)
11/03/2019 DEME undertakes big sanitation project in Ghent (Susanova, Belgium)
01/2019 International environmental funding (Sunday Circle, Malta)
02/04/2018 COCOON: European opportunities for landfills - from waste to raw material
01/03/2018 European technicians visit the state of the land of La Pitilla (Medio Ambiente, Spain)
21/02/2018 Córdoba celebrates the Fourth Interregional Meeting of the Cocoon Project on landfill policies (Teleprensa, Spain)
21/02/2018 The future of landfills is debated in Córdoba (Diario Cordoba, Spain)
19/09/2017 Sadeco takes action to manage landfills (Cordopolis, Spain)
18/09/2017 Sadeco hosts conference of COCOON (Diario Cordoba, Spain)
18/09/2017 Sadeco hosts conference of COCOON (Ahora Cordoba, Spain)
06/02/2017 European funds for the sanitation of landfills (Internetgazet, Belgium)
06/02/2017 Action plan for the valorisation and management of landfills (Engineeringnet.be, Belgium)
19/01/2017 Waterserv and ERA participate in project COCOON (The Malta Business Weekly)
13/01/2017 Wasteserv and ERA will develop a landfill management policy (MaltaToday, Malta)
13/01/2017 Malta participates in European project on managing landfills (TVM, Malta)
21/11/2016 Brandenburg is the only state in European landfill project (Bild, Germany)
21/11/2016 Brandenburg is the only state in European landfill project (Welt, Germany)
21/11/2016 Brandenburg is the only state in European landfill project (Online Focus, Germany)
09/11/2016 Interreg allocates COCOON project to EURELCO (dVO, Belgium)
04/11/2016 Houthalen is the centre for innovative landfill mining (LimburgActueel, Belgium)
20/10/2016 Interreg Europe project COCOON approved on 5 October (NPT, Belgium)
07/10/2016 Experience of Sadeco is recognized by Europe (Cordopolis, Spain)
07/10/2016 Experience of Sadeco is recognized by Europe (El Dia de Cordoba, Spain) `
07/10/2016 Experience of Sadeco is recognized by Europe (Diario Cordoba, Spain)
06/10/2016 Experience of Sadeco is recognized by Europe (Cordoba hoy, Spain)