Circular economy: an essential and relevant tool to use at the local level
Organised by the Bourgogne-Franche-Comté and Rhineland-Palatinate, the workshop focused on initiatives towards a green transition with a focus on the circular economy. Therefore, the COLOR CIRCLE project joined the event to highlight its activities, mainly supporting cooperations between research and local authorities on circular economy.
Main topics of discussions
The event tackled several aspects of the transition towards a circular economy, such as:
- Sharing with the audience the lessons learnt during the project life cycle.
- Assessing the importance of inter-regional collaboration on this topic.
- Emphasising role of education, research, and innovation to move the circular economy forward.
4 speakers introduced the room to the practices of their organisations to support the transition from linear to circular economy:
- Patrick MOLINOZ, Vice-president, Bourgogne-Franche-Comté Region, partner of the project COLOR CIRCLE
- Michel TERRE, President of HESAM Université on behalf of the COLOR CIRCLE project
- Katrin EDER, State Minister for Climate Protection, Environment, Energy and Mobility, Rhineland-Palatinate State
- Sylwia VON RECHENBERG, Policy Officer for Circular Economy, Rhineland-Palatinate State
Watch the replay
To watch the replay in English.
To watch the replay in French.
To watch the replay in German.
For more information about the event.