Given the COVID-19 pandemic, the 2nd RSG meeting of the Color Circle project had an online format and gathered 17 participants. During this meeting, the attendees had the opportunity to discuss the existing challenges related to circular economy (CE) in Centru Region, its state of the art and proposed potential ways to empower the public authorities to adopt CE practices in their small and medium communities. All participants agreed that rethinking and recalibrating the current systems are needed and both the collaboration with the regional researchers and the interregional exchange of experience are great opportunities for generating new ideas for creating sustainable communities in Centru Region. The final part of the event was dedicated to the presentation of the Green Deal and its implications in implementing EC related actions, including a brief presentation of the future Regional Operational Programme and the support provided for implementing EC related initiatives. Within the future programming period, 2021-2027, RDA Centru (PP5) will change its status from Intermediate Body for ROP to Managing Authority and will play a greater role in shaping the future Regional Operational Programme for Centru Region.