In Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, the series of workshops called "Co'Réemploi" (Co'Reuse) organised by Ville et Aménagement Durable aim at monitoring the implementation of the French law on anti-waste for circular economy (AGEC). The last meeting, held in December 8th, 2022, tackled the new French recycling regulation for construction waste.

The Extended producer responsibility (EPR) for building waste, provided for in the AGEC (anti-waste for a circular economy) law, applies on January 1st, 2023. It takes the form of the taking in charge (collection and treatment) of building waste by eco-organizations, from companies in the construction sector, craftsmen and individuals. The system is financed by an eco-contribution paid by producers in proportion to the quantities placed on the market.

As part of its "co'Réemploi" working group, VAD brought together 32 building industry players in Lyon on December 8th, 2022 to exchange about the EPR for building products and materials of the construction sector.

The meeting began with a review of the specifications in the building sector, with a focus on its implementation on construction sites. Then, a presentation of the 4 eco-organizations accredited in October 2022 for a period of 5 years was made: Valdelia, Ecomaison, Ecominéro and Valobat. These organizations are responsible for collecting construction waste sorted into 7 streams: paper/cardboard, metal, plastic, glass, wood, mineral fractions and plaster. Finally, Grenoble Alpes Métropole shared its experience with the Grenoble Forum rehabilitation project (13,000 m² building), for which a reuse approach resulted in 82% material recovery and 3% reuse, i.e. 74 tons reused, of which 20 to 40 tons were reused in situ.

This working group is led by VAD since 2020. The next meeting will be held on February 24th, 2023 for a review of the roadmap of the "co'Réemploi" action and the definition of priority actions for 2023.