The Regione Lazio has progressed in the implementation of the Actio Plan. During 2019, the project activities - in line with the provisions of the Interreg program and the community, national and regional indications - focused on how to make the Action Plan operational. In particular, in anticipation of the activities to be carried out by the end of the Cult-RInG project, work has mainly been carried out to verify the possibility of integrating the project funds with other measures of the regional ERDF of Lazio, providing for the inclusion of specific financing measures for the creation of business networks for the promotion of Southern Francigena within forthcoming regional calls. Also the University of Tor Vergata, Department of History, Cultural Heritage, Training and Society, (external expertise), continued the scientific support activity as foreseen by the project Action Plan and started the analysis and evaluation of the territorial realities present along the southern Francigena route where to promote the development of local promotion and development actions.
The staff of the Lazio Region Agenzia Regionale del Turismo participated in October in the Phase 2 Interregional meeting, which was held in Brussels (Belgium) during the European Week of Regions and Cities (EWCC) 2029. During the meeting, in addition to investigating the state of the art of the individual regional Action Plans, the Regione Lazio presented its proposal for the tourism promotion of the Southern Francigena with an experiment concentrated on a 50 km route, to be carried out with the involvement business networks operating in the area, to be identified through a public tender co-financed with regional funds.
The policy learning process has been progressing during Phase 2 thanks to the active participation of the regional staff to all the activities implemented as the interregional meeting and the stakeholders’ meeting. In both cases, learning encompassed at least three levels interested: individual, organizational, stakeholders and External. The staff members directly involved in the cooperation have often reported back to colleagues and managers of the organisation sharing with them knowledge gained from the interregional meetings.
The stakeholders identified and involved in the previous initiatives continued to collaborate with the staff of the Agency, guaranteeing operations in the area and actively participating with their own proposals in identifying the path of Southern Francigena where to concentrate experimental promotional initiatives.
In particular, as foreseen by the Action Plan:
- representatives of public institutions, municipalities and local authorities operating in the area, have been identified to create business networks between public and private on hospitality, accommodation and communication;
- the cultural and tourist associations operating on the cultural routes have been involved to promote the visibility of the territory and develop the relationship with the world of work;
- private operators, such as tour operators, travel agencies and hoteliers, to promote the relationship between businesses and the local area.
The design of the Action has not only strengthened the collaboration with the University of Tor Vergata but has actively involved, in the implementation of tourism promotion, proposals for the stretch of the Southern Francigena, the Vie Francigene Association (AEVF). The presence of AEVF, as a stakeholder, contributed to further qualifying the project activities already shared positively with local operators and institutions.
Given the interest in developing the promotion of the Francigena del Sud, the publication in English of the publication "Walking along the Via Appia in Lazio" was widely disseminated.