The 1st project meeting during Phase 2 was held in Brussels on 10 October 2019, during the European Week of Regions and Cities, on the partners' action plans implementation and monitoring. The meeting was histed by advisory partner ECTN.
All partners reported the implementation phase of their action plans
• ECTN advisory partner stressed the importance of St Paul's footsteps Cultural Route for the four involved partners, according to the MoU signed in October 2018. The establishment of the legal body for the Route is crucial as a pre-condition of the application to CoE for certifiction. The legal entity must be formed as soon as possible by Region of Central Macedonia, Greece wilh Lazio Region, Italy, and Pafos Regional Board of Tourism, Cyprys.
• Vidzeme Tourism Association (VTA), Latvia, reporetd that the cerification 'Iron Curtain Trail' Cultural Route certified as a Cultural Route of the Council of Europe officially delivered in Sibiu (CR Forum 2019) to former MEP Mr M Crammer. Initially the idea presented by VTA two years ago during the first Cult-RInG workshop in Riga, Latvia, and then was where Mr Cramer presented the good practices Euro Velo 13. It is a big success of the Cult-RInG project to have the certification according to the action plans of VTA, LV and RCM, EL.
• Alto Minho, Portugal (including approved pilot action): The action plan and the implementation of the approved pilot action proceeds as planned. Mr Francisco de Calheiros President of the Portuguese St James Way CR association underlined that the main result of Cult-RinG project is that during the LSGs meetings the local stakeholders managed to work all together. The idea is to continue that practice in the future. Main purpose of the Association is to support its members, solve security problems, alert the authorities for possibly problems.
• All partners monitor their action plan implementation currently and in particular self-defined indicator target value achievement so far.
The results achieved will be resented by each partner at the high-level event/final conference to be held in Thessaloniki, Greece, at the end of May 2020:
Final Conference – High level event, Project closure Meeting 2 in Phase 2, Thessaloniki, Greece,
26, 27,28 May 2020:
o 26 May: Conference
o 27 May: Study visits (St Paul’s footsteps, ICT CR in Greek/Bulgarian border, Wine Routes)
o 28 May: Project meeting 2 in Phase 2 (closure) .
The following guests participated at the meeting:
1. Mr Francisco de Calheiros President of the Portuguese St James Way CR Association, PT
2. Mr Piet Jaspaert, Vice-President Europa Nostra, BE (about heritage-led innovation) and Mr Jimmy Jamar, Diretor of Europa Nostra Brussels ofice
3. Mr Alan Vella, EASME (about synergies CRs in COSME programme) .