Pafos Regional Board of Tourism (PRBT) has involved key stakeholders and policymakers of the Pafos Region in the learning process during semester 1, with the open stakeholder informative meeting given detailing report about the project. Furthermore, additional correspondence has been exchanged between the PRBT and the stakeholders/policymakers of the Pafos Region with the scope to acknowledge and recognize themes and topics from DESTI-SMART project for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth of the region.

We are proud of been part of a project that the main objective is to endorse the significance of investments towards a Smart Destination, in relation with the contribution to Growth & Jobs through the capitalisation of good practices and policy learning.

As part of the project implementation at the 1st semester the stakeholders were briefed about exchange information, knowledge and experience on the 4 below subjects: a) Accessibility to tourist attractions and services for accessible tourism for all, b)Cycling and hiking facilities for guests, including cycling tourism and ‘Greenways’. c) Investments in low-carbon transport systems for visitors and the Infrastructure and d) Intermodality Services for Visitors, Information and Communication Technologies.

During this reporting period we have involved in the process the 4 municipalities of the area and a large number of stakeholders of the tourism industry. The aim is to work with the policy makers of the region for developing a Smart Tourism Destination and enhance Pafos region as a sustainable destination with growth and jobs.

List of Participating Stakeholders: 

1) The Mayor of Pafos Municipality

2) The Mayor of Pegeia Municipality

3) The President of the Cyprus Hotel Association (Pafos District)


5) Cyprus Tourism Organization

6) Representative of the Association of Cyprus Travel Agents

7) Representative of the Cyprus Agrotourism Company

• The Pafos Regional Board of tourism made an extensive presentation for the DESTI-SMART project during the annual Pafos Regional Board of Tourism General Assembly.