As part of the Destination SMEs project and in line with the project action plan, Cork County Council recently hosted an awareness event about the project and extent of supports available for SMEs in the Tourism sector in Cork. The event took place on the 2nd December 2019 in the Radisson Hotel, Little Island, Cork with 75 registered attendees on the day comprised of local business and elected representatives.  

At the dissemination event numerous topics were discussed including:

  • An overview of the Destination SMEs project and the importance of destination management for SMEs in the Tourism sector 
  • The role and supports offered by the Local Enterprise Offices, Local Development Companies and Cork County Council
  • A working example of a Destination Management body in operation in the Cork region (namely Cork Harbour Islands)

Caitriona Johasson of Cork Harbour Islands Group speaking at the event


The event was a major success with very positive feedback received from attendees, subsequent reporting of the event in the local media and the high level of attendance reflective of the interest in the Destination SMEs project and the growth of the Tourism sector in the Cork region.

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The event raised substantial awareness locally about the Destination SMEs project, the importance of Destination Management and supports available for SMEs in the Tourism sector. It is anticipated that this will encourage enhanced interaction between Tourism SMEs and support bodies which by extension will generate additional activity/interaction among Tourism SMEs in the Cork Region.