Another partner meeting was held on the E-MOB project. The partner meeting was held online due to the COVID-19 pandemic and was attended by representatives of all partners involved in the project. At the partner meeting, the situation related to the project was discussed, progress in communication activities was presented, experiences related to holding peer reviews were shared, as well as talks on organizing contact partner meetings, ie contact peer reviews. All partners agreed that contact meetings have significantly more advantages and opportunities for cooperation in project development compared to online meetings. However, contact rallies are determined primarily by the current and future situation related to the pandemic. All partners agreed that a hybrid way of holding future rallies is planned, which will include the possibility of participating in the rally online for all partners who are not able to attend the contact, ie all partners who will be able to participate in the rally will participate in the rally. In addition, the situation related to finances was presented, as well as everything that needs to be done in the future, and related to the upcoming semester 5.