The project e-smartec has been selected to participate to the 10th International Congress on Transportation Research «Future Mobility and Resilient Transport: Transition to innovation» with a special session entitled ‘Marketing techniques supporting sustainable mobility participatory planning’. The workshop will take place on September 1, 2021, 13.30 – 16.30 EEST (14.30 - 17.30 EST).

The session is structured around the outputs of the e-smartec project and the topics covered will be:

  1. Good Practices in participatory mobility planning
  2. Capacity building on marketing techniques and methods for co-planning and promotion of mobility interventions
  3. Involvement of participants into a fruitful dialogue on building effective engagement strategies accompanying SUMP steps (a starting line for an interactive learning experience).


  • Welcome and introductory presentation of e-smartec project
  • Marketing techniques and methods for sustainable mobility planning
  • Good practices on marketing and engagement techniques and methods (pitches from regions and cities) (Part A)
  • Coffee break
  • Good practices on marketing and engagement techniques and methods (pitches from regions and cities) (Part B)
  • Announcement of the e-smartec special webinars and e-course
  • Interactive session: building effective engagement strategy to accompany SUMPs


Register now!

Virtual participation is free of charge for e-smartec stakeholders only: if you are one of them, please contact e-smartec at [email protected] before August 10 - if you are not an e-smartec stakeholder, you have until August 9 to register and pay the ticket to the congress. The final programme will be published soon in ICTR website!