The 1st Stakeholders Meeting of the e-smartec partner Bratislava self-governing region was held on June 15, 2021. Integrated Transport Company and the University of Žilina’s representatives discussed the citizens' engagement survey results to identify priorities that should be addressed by the region's Action plans.
In order to identify the critical areas on which the Bratislava self-governing region should focus when preparing its Action plan, a survey among the citizens of the Bratislava region was carried out in February and March 2021. The survey aimed at identifying the travel behaviour and satisfaction with the quality of transport services of citizens, as well as their interest in being involved in transport planning.
After processing the survey's results, the University of Žilina organised an online meeting with experts from the Integrated Transport Company on Tuesday, June 15, to discuss the results and identify key areas for the Action plan.
The results of the survey show that up to 51% of respondents use cars daily in order to reach their destinations. However, 70% of car users confirmed that they would be willing to switch to a more environmentally friendly transport mode if given the option. The participants of the meeting identified this as one of the goals of the Action plan - also because the results show that most of the respondents consider the availability and reliability of public transport its most significant issues.
Travel behaviour and participatory approach
As part of the meeting, the key role of information on citizens sustainable travel behaviour has been discussed to find out the most significant drivers and barriers in obtaining information on mobility opportunities in the Bratislava region - elements that could have an actual impact on changing citizens travel behaviour towards more sustainable forms of mobility.
As regards to the high interest of the region's citizens to be involved in sustainable mobility planning processes through citizens' forums, surveys, social media-based dialogues, and public consultations on transport projects, stakeholders have agreed on making these participation opportunities more attractive and inclusive for citizens.
Action plan on board!
During the meeting, some crucial challenges in participatory sustainable transport planning for the Bratislava region were identified: solutions to these challenges have been pointed out by the experts, too. Currently, the Bratislava self-governing region and the University of Žilina are working on the preparation of the Action plan thanks to the knowledge gained through the implementation of the e-smartec project.
The draft Action plan will be presented during the next Plenary Stakeholders meeting to collect feedback of experts to better align the Action Plan with the set priorities and policy instruments originally foreseen, such as increasing the use of public transport and reducing the use of individual motorised transport in the Bratislava region.
Read the press release!