The 2nd Plenary Stakeholders Meeting of the Bratislava self-governing Region was held on November 23, 2021.
Representatives from the Integrated Transport Company and the University of Žilina discussed the proposed Action Plan for the Bratislava self-governing Region to gather feedback on the suitability and feasibility of each action implementation.
Experts' feedback was also collected to better align the Plan with the priorities set in the policy instrument, such as increasing the use of public transport and reducing the use of individual motorised transport in the Bratislava Region.
Moreover, the draft of the Action Plan was also shared with the Bratislava self-governing Region to gather their remarks and thoughts on each prepared action. To increase the chances of success in attaining the defined goals, all feedback and suggestions have been then applied in the review process.
Synergies in the Region
To streamline the cooperation of stakeholders and their support in the implementation of the Action Plan, stakeholders discussed the possibility of creating a synergy between the e-smartec project and other ongoing activities and EU projects in the region.
Out of all the possible options, the Integrated Transport Company and the University of Žilina foresee a cooperation between e-smartec and “Clean Mobility Interreg SK-AT”: this collaboration could be translated into co-organizing two activities in close collaboration with the Bratislava Integrated Transport Company, which is currently implementing the Clean Mobility project in the Region.