Surveys, interviews, focus groups, crowdsourcing and gamification, but also interactive events and capacity building instruments; social media, wheel of persuasion, word of mouth and internet marketing: these are all engagement and marketing co-planning techniques European projects use.

The e-smartec project, however, wishes to go one step ahead. Indeed, it aims at collecting a wide array of examples of targeted marketing techniques' successful deployments.

For this reason, the e-smartec project is collecting Good Practices to disseminate among stakeholders in its six European regions in Slovakia, Germany, Greece, Italy, The Netherlands, and the UK.

What is a Good Practice

A Good Practice is a process or methodology that is replicable, has been shown to work well, succeeds in achieving its objective(s), and therefore can be recommended as a model.

The essence of identifying and sharing Good Practices is to learn from others and to encourage the application of knowledge and experience to new situations.

A Good Practice needs not be viewed as prescriptive, but can be adapted to meet new challenges, becoming better as improvements are discovered.

Your Good Practices for e-smartec

If some of the projects you are involved in have implemented some of the above-mentioned marketing and engagement techniques with the aim of encouraging citizens and stakeholders to participate in Sustainable Urban Mobility Planning (SUMPs) and you already have results to show, we want to hear from you!

Your Good Practices will not only benefit the urban mobility in other regions of Europe but will be a great way to disseminate your project results, too.


Send an email to [email protected] to share your Good Practices!