This venue was ideal to bring decision-makers, citizens and researchers together in order to initiate innovation and improvements of EU programme actions on cycling. Project partners had fruitful discussions and planned future actions in the frame of the project.

The UNIBAS campus in Potenza welcomed the partners for the first day of the meeting and was an occasion for them to learn about the promotion of ECO-CICLE in Basilicata Region, with the participation of Mario Guarente, Mayor of the Potenza Municipality. In the morning sessions, members and researchers of the University, including Prof. Aurelia Sole, UNIBAS Rector, and Dr. Giuseppe Romaniello, UNIBAS General Director, presented their Institutional commitment for promoting ECO-CICLE in the region and introduced relevant stakeholders. Interesting discussions on territorial partnerships ensued, involving representants of various organisations such as FIAB, APT Basilicata and the Municipalities of Basilicata Region.

In the afternoon, stakeholders from Basilicata and Puglia Regions and Nemoli, Potenza and Pignola Municipalities presented the scope and objectives of the project in the region, including an introduction to the Basilicata Policy Instrument (PACT) and relevant practices from the territory. The morning and afternoon sessions were moderated respectively by Dr. Francesco Scorza from UNIBAS, who also gave a wrap-up of the first day, and Prof. Beniamino Murgante.

On the second day, project partners transferred to the Matera campus of UNIBAS for the ECO-CICLE Steering Group Meeting. The partners presented practices, policies and intended actions in the scope of the ECO-CICLE objectives and twelve good practices were selected among those proposed by the partners. In the afternoon, project partners attended a Conference on “Cycling and Active Mobility in Matera 2019, Capital of Culture”, during which representants of Matera Municipality, the Province of Matera and FIAB Matera presented the plans for the city in terms of cycling and mobility, linking them to ECO-CICLE and other Interreg projects.

Videos of the sessions organised during the two days of the meeting can be watched online here: 

This two-day meeting came to an end with a tour around Matera old town and a meeting between Project Partners and the representative of the City of Matera. From institutional stakeholders to local communities and users, the third ECO-CICLE project Steering Committee meeting helped to reinforce the regional engagement for innovation in cycling infrastructure as a means of sustainable development and territorial promotion.