This good practice from Cádiz, also in Andalusia, concerns the Integrated Territorial Initiative (ITI) for the creation of cycling routes that interconnect the province’s natural spaces. The development of this cycle network helps promoting cycle tourism in protected areas and is supported by a specific source of funding from the European Regional Development Fund, called Integrated Territorial Investment (ITI Cádiz). The specificity of this funding source is that it allows for different combinations of European Structural and Investment Funds, depending on the concrete territorial issues.
In this case, the most important route that is being developed corresponds to EuroVelo 8 – Mediterranean Route, following the coast between the Cádiz Bay ad the Algeciras Bay. The route crosses the Bahía de Cádiz, La Breña y Marismas del Barbate and Los Alcornocales Natural Parks, creating a diversified touristic offer that complements the traditional sun and beach options. In this way, ITI Cadiz contributes to the development of local communities and economy. On the social side, this initiative also links cycling to other outdoor activities such as birdwatching, hiking and nature photography.
This good practice belongs to the ‘financing’ category as it shows how to successfully access structural-fund investments through operational programmes – which is crucial for the development of adequate cycling infrastructure.
More information about this Good Practice can be found on this page.