The Everywhere International SMEs (EIS) project has many stakeholders all over Europe. Here you can meet a selected few who are involved in the EIS project.
Name: Jelena Rajher
Country: Croatia
Function: Senior Advisor
Institution: Ministry of Economy, Entrepreneurship and Crafts (Directorate for EU Programmes and Projects, Sector for EU Programmes in Entrepreneurship, Unit for Programming, Monitoring and Evaluation Programmes)
“My role in the EIS project was to provide information or inputs on measures that the Ministry is dealing with in order to support internalisation of SMEs.
It was very useful to take part in the meetings. Experiences from other countries are precious to us, especially in terms of implementing the measures dealing with internationalisation of SME's. Therefore it is interesting to hear about the issues concerning the internationalisation process in the countries involved in this project. Also, we hope that other countries will use our best experiences to implement wherever possible.”
Picture at the top: Stakeholder by Nick Youngson licenced under Creative Commons BY-SA 3.0