University of Ljubljana is organizing ERUDITE Partner Event for partners, stakeholders, beneficiaries and also decision-makers coming from 7 EU countries.

DAY 1 | SMART Territories: E-government, public and community services

Morning program

The participants gather in Ljubljana to take part in the discussion of the University and the Slovenian Association of Municipalities on the development of support services for digital skills and competence development during and after the Covid 19 crisis:

  • Remote work support - Webinars for technical, legal and organizational issues for remote municipality meetings 
  • Pomoč na dlani” – Helping hand - A digital platform to connect people who seek help with people and organisations who offer help for free: 

After the first session the roundtable of presentations and discussion on ERUDITE partner good practice relating to SMART Territories: E-government, public and community services follows. 

Afternoon program

Partner and stakeholder SEROI+ ‘Co-creation’ workshop on service areas selected by Slovenian hosts. 

DAY 2 | Digital and Local Hubs; mobility and new business models

Morning program

  • SMARJE - Digital transformation, COVID 19 and local social and economic resilience
  • Good practices: (1) Divina WineHub and it’s Good practice of Virtual wine tasting (new business model applicable to the wider food and drink sector); (2) Internet of things (IoT) in vineyards - advanced viticulture known as “smart vineyards”; (3) Meet the local producer platform that connects producers/farmers with (local) consumers. (4) COTRAVELERS (mobility platform for the senior citizens)

Afternoon program

• Partner good practice roundtable: Digital and Local Hubs; mobility and new business models

• SEROI+ Calculator exercise with a ŠMARJE good practice