Poznan Science and Technology Park and Wielkopolska Marshall Office brought together the representatives of innovation and business support centres, public authorities and regional companies in order to start the dialogue between all those regional stakeholders. The conference took place on 19th October 2017.

The objective of the event was to promote effective collaboration of public administration with SMEs for planning support instrument and to raise awareness on the benefits of efficient communication with beneficiaries of innovation support.
The floor was taken mainly by the SME representatives such as IC Solutions  BBH Biotech Netbox  drMaryniak who presented their experiences in using EU funds and other support instruments. The companies articulated their recommendations towards the public administration, e.g. “Innovation is not a free-time hobby – it requires dedicated structures within the company”. After the presentations the audience and  invited panellists representing public administration, intermediaries and companies shared their ideas, experience and gave their comments regarding the presented stories. It was really inspiring and fruitful discussion!
After the plenary session World Caffe session started. Tables’ discussion was focused on two main topics:
1.    Needs and effective support of startups
2.    Needs and effective support of first time innovators

The results are as follows:
The reasons of closing the company during the first 3 years of existence?
•    Lack of knowledge of the market
•    Legal barriers
•    Losing the liquidity
•    Tax regulations

The main market success factors
•    Determination in achieving goals
•    Reinvesting and company development
•    Good team work

What are the best sources of identifying the companies needs by the innovation centres?
•    The meetings
•    Long term cooperation
•    Success stories communication

The main barriers first time innovators development
•    The lack of knowledge and awareness of support instruments’ existence
•    Focus on current activities

The most valuable services of innovation and business centres
•    Market analysis
•    Help in grants application
•    Marketing consultancy

Intermediaries’ unique prepositions
•    Modern infrastructure
•    Experts’ support
•    Networking