The meeting continued District of Hameln-Pyrmont process of improving effectiveness of policy instruments.
After ESSPO project meeting in Lille, Partners from District of Hameln-Pyrmont in Germany, organized the regional stakeholders meeting, which took place on March 15th. The aim of the meeting was to reflect the results of the last project events, prepare for the next ones and discuss the proposed by the lead partner workshop methodology. Having reported so far ESSPO conclusions, it was agreed the next stakeholders meeting will take place on April 3rd . The stakeholders will be working on the outcomes regarding SMEs needs by building the empathy map and formulating “how might we” answers in out of the box way of thinking. The next step will be the presentation of the workshop conclusions and recommendations in front of Regional Steering Committee (prime level stakeholders) which take place on May 24th.

The stakeholder meeting in March had been organised to inform about the results of the latest telephone conference (10.03.) and to agree upon next steps within ESSPO-project. CEOs (Landräte) of the region had confirmed to participate in the first Task Force-Workshop in Tartu, scheduled for June 2017. Besides this, first arrangements for the ESSPO-meeting in Hameln-Pyrmont in October were made. The idea is to combine this meeting with a large regional conference, which is held  on a regular basis and which will bring together some 200 people from all over the region as well as from the government of Lower Saxony to discuss projects and progress in regional development.