Atlantic Axis of Peninsular Northwest
Lead partner
Spain (España)
Eixo Atlantico is an Association of 35 local Authorities in Galicia & North of Portugal working for territorial cohesion of the urban system in the Eurorregion.
Lead partner
Spain (España)
Eixo Atlantico is an Association of 35 local Authorities in Galicia & North of Portugal working for territorial cohesion of the urban system in the Eurorregion.
Italy (Italia)
ASEV is a territorial agency operating in innovation, vocational training, career guidance. It has a long experience and skills in EU & interregional projects.
Romania (România)
Alba Iulia Municipality has a population of 74.000 inhabitants and is situated in the central part of Romania.
Poland (Polska)
A regional self-government entity performing the role of the public administration body, in education, culture, spatial planning and environmental management.
Czech Republic (Česká Republika)
The public organization funded by the municipality of Pilsen, which coordinates the projects from EU funds.
Cyprus (Κυπρος)
ANEL supports the Municipalities of the area of Greater Nicosia for planning, funding and implementing strategic objectives based on their local/regional needs.
Advisory partner
Belgium (Belgique-België)
International network of cities and regions aiming to promote a sustainable resource management and accelerate the transition towards a circular economy.
Atlantic Cities is a transnational European network that gathers 355 local authorities based in the Atlantic Arc and it represents 4, 5 million inhabitants.
Latvia (Latvija)
The Municipality implements and develops structural policy instruments, with the aim of use of green infrastructure solutions in urban development projects.
Interested in: Leading a project, Joining a project, Sharing a project idea, Networking with peers, Participating in peer reviews, Exchanging good practices, Attending networking events, Following online learning activities
Interested in: Exchanging good practices, Attending networking events, Following online learning activities
Interested in: Joining a project, Networking with peers, Exchanging good practices, Attending networking events
Lubelskie Voivodeship
Interested in: Joining a project, Networking with peers, Exchanging good practices, Following online learning activities
Nicosia Development Agency (ANEL)
Interested in: Leading a project, Joining a project, Networking with peers, Exchanging good practices, Attending networking events, Following online learning activities
Nicosia Development Agency
Interested in: Leading a project, Joining a project, Sharing a project idea, Networking with peers, Exchanging good practices, Attending networking events, Following online learning activities
Alba Iulia Municipality
Interested in: Leading a project, Joining a project, Networking with peers
Interested in: Exchanging good practices, Following online learning activities
Interested in: Networking with peers, Exchanging good practices, Following online learning activities
Coordination Unit for European Projects in the City of Pilsen
Interested in: Leading a project, Joining a project, Sharing a project idea, Networking with peers, Participating in peer reviews, Exchanging good practices, Attending networking events, Following online learning activities
The European Projects Coordination Insitute of the City of Pilsen
Interested in: Joining a project, Sharing a project idea, Exchanging good practices, Attending networking events, Following online learning activities