The majority of Atlantic Cities' members are coastal cities. This is why the issue of the ocean and ports as factors of environmental sustainability but also as vectors of growth is crucial for Atlantic Cities members. However, cities also need to implement urban sustainability and that is why the issues of urban sustainability and circular economy are paramount, in a world where demographic and climate crises are putting pressure on the environment of cities.

In order to exchange solutions and good practices of its members on these issues, as well as to reflect on ways to implement the actions of its strategic plan, Atlantic Cities launched a call for presentation to its members. This meeting also saw the intervention of European experts on the issues of Blue Growth and the Environment: AIR Centre (Atlantic International Research Centre) presented two projects related to Blue Growth and ports and coordinators of the Atlantic Maritime Strategy pillars intervened.

Atlantic Cities presented the EURE project during that meeting as EURE aims to provide recommendations for the improvement of urban environmental policies, particularly with regard to the management of energy, water, waste and pollution. The development of the circular economy is also a major focus of the project. In this perspective, each partner focuses on the local implementation of a European policy instrument. For Atlantic Cities, this is Axis 3, "Energy Transition", of the Brittany ERDF OP.
