Get ready for our Joint Report, entitled “For a better and sustainable quality of life in European cities”!

In this report, prepared in collaboration with our experts, we analyse the use of ERDF funds allocated for development of urban policies in 10 thematic areas:

  • Sustainable Land Use and Urban Renewal;
  • Water Supply  and Management;
  • Waste Management and Circular Economy;
  • Energy Transition;
  • Sustainable Urban Mobility;
  • Air and Noise Quality;
  • Climate Adaptation;
  • Green Growth and Eco-Innovation;
  • Social Inclusion;
  • Governance for Sustainable Urban Development and Civil Society Participation.

You can also look forward to over 55 best practices showing examples of success stories in Europe in different thematic areas, including 10 good practices of ITI – Integrated Territorial Investments – concerning Sustainable Urban Development.

The aim of the report is also to offer a set of recommendations to the European Commission to be considered in the implementation of the next Regulations concerning EU funding in the framework the Structural Funds programming period of 2021-27. We have chosen to cover four areas:

  • How future EU Urban Policy should look like;
  • Recommendations for each one of the urban policy thematic;
  • Financing;
  • Governance.

The report will soon be available on this website.


Photo by Noah Buscher on Unsplash