The EURE project celebrated its first half-year of life and so many activities have happened for such a young project. It seems the right moment to sum up these 195 days and yes, let’s do it with numbers.
Since the very beginning, EURE put together 9 organisations from 9 different countries. 3 local public authorities, 3 regional and territorial organisations, 2 European transnational networks, and 1 international association.
They identified 8 policy instruments linked to art 7 ERDF that will be improved thanks to the project and the interregional cooperation.
During these 6 months, the EURE partners had 3 meetings, in Santiago de Compostela (Spain), Brest (France) and Empoli (Italy) to discuss about the first outcome of the project: 8 Regional Reports about how the funds allocated by article 7 of the ERDF Regulation for the development of urban policies are being used.
The partners have been flanked by a group of 14 experts in sustainable development and urban policies that will support the definition of the regional reports and then of 1 Joint Report. The 2 study visits have also been the opportunity for the partners to learn from 8 good practices regarding renewable energies and urban redevelopment.
Finally, EURE closed the semester with 2 gifts: the publication of 1 leaflet and the 1st EUREka!.