Mountain preservation and promotion for sustainable cultural tourism development
Within the framework of Lisbon and Goteborg strategies the mountain regions have a big potential concerning their competitiveness and sustainable development. Thirty-percent of European territory is made by mountains. Mountains unique geography has been historically limited social exchanges and therefore economical development. Nowadays, most of the European mountain regions constitute an untouched source of ancient cultural traditions, ancient artisanal skills, crafts, agricultural production and alpine adventures. Mountain cultural heritage needs to be preserved and promoted as great attractions for the development of Sustainable Cultural Tourism products. The proposed project aims to exploit synergies and to capitalize on relevant knowledge and results by introducing innovations and supporting policies for preserving and valoraising the cultural heritage of mountain areas, towards sustainable cultural tourism development and promotion. The project aims to identify, document, promote and apply advances in mountain cultural heritage transmission and the harmonization of appropriate measure, with conservation by local and regional authorities, involving key stakeholders, pan-European networks, cultural institutions, environmental agencies and the civic society.