Networking area

Interreg Europe corner

During the event you have an opportunity to meet people from the joint secretariat, ask questions and get feedback.

Meet the joint secretariat

If you have any questions on project development, your application or the programme, the Interreg Europe team will be there to answer.

Prepare a question and book your 10-minute slot on the spot during the event. This service is available only during the coffee breaks.

Get feedback on your project idea

Receive individual feedback on your project idea. Officers from the Interreg Europe team are ready to discuss your project idea and application.

If you submitted your project idea online and booked a time-slot, you'll get a detailed 40-minute consultation.

Networking tables

Find partners or join projects! We have ten tables for you to present your project idea, network with people interested in similar topics, open and join discussions and find potential partners and projects.

Check the networking schedule and join a group on the spot (no registration required). Or suggest your own topic for discussion by booking a table.

There are 10 tables for 8 people each available at the networking area.

Check the schedule and book your table here

Campfire discussions

Get together in an informal setting to discuss an interesting topic related to Interreg Europe or project development. Meet the hosts from among you who suggested four different topics to discuss:

22 March
  • 11:00-11:30 - ZEROCO2 and COCOON partners discuss their experience in preparing and running projects on low carbon economy and on resource efficiency.
  • 13:30-14:00 - FoodChains 4 EU partner invites for a discussion on the innovation process in the food chain.
  • 15:30-16:00 - Region of Umbria (Italy), shares experience of a managing authority in getting involved in project activities, engaging local stakeholders and reporting activities and results.
23 March
  • 10:45-11:15 - ATMO France hosts a discussion about the monitoring system of air quality and their expertise at the national and regional level.

Library and film corner

Take a moment to sit down and watch some inspiring videos or browse interesting publications. Our library corner with both online and paper library as well as video area give you an opportunity to share your own materials and get inspired by what others have done.

If you have an interesting publication, video or other material related to one of our for topics (Research and innovation, SME competitiveness, Low-carbon economy, and Environment and resource efficiency), share the link with us and we will add it into the online library.

Research and innovation SME competitiveness Low-carbon economy Environment and resource efficiency