Promotion of Retail SMEs in Depopulated Fragile Rural Areas
Regional Government of Aragon. Spain (Department for Industry, SMEs, Retail and Crafts) and Chamber of Commerce of Teruel are interested in leading a project with the topic “policies to keep and promote retail in rural areas”. Aragon is a large rural depopulated territory, three out of four municipalities in Aragon have less than 500 inhabitants and the situation especially appeals to 187 localities that have less than 100 inhabitants. Retail shops are one of the basic services in depopulated rural areas. However their existence is not inevitable. The problem is that small rural shops need a minimum number of customers to survive, and small villages with few inhabitants need a shop for the village to survive. Therefore the phrase “when the shop closed the last inhabitants moved away” is familiar in rural areas. Regional Government of Aragon is looking for partners with similar problems (depopulated fragile rural areas) in order to exchange ideas and good practices, or find solutions together to face this problem.