Aleksandra Niechajowicz

Finance Officer, Interreg Europe, Lille, France

Aleksandra is responsible for support to applicants and project partners as well as for the assessment of applications and the finance monitoring. Having practical experience in public procurement, she is also involved in studies on that matter.

Aleksandra joined the Programme in March 2011 as assistant in the INTERREG IVC Information Point East, and in 2012 she started working for the secretariat in Lille. She previously worked in multinational IT corporations, she is also a freelance translator of French and English.

Aleksandra is a graduate in French & Translation, and a holds a postgraduate degree in Specialized Translation (English).

She speaks Polish, English, French, Spanish, and some Italian.

Aleksandra Niechajowicz
Research and innovation SME competitiveness Low-carbon economy Environment and resource efficiency