FINCH project is announcing the approach of Phase 1 closure and the forthcoming start of Phase 2. The next project phase will be dedicated to the implementation of the Action Plans that all partners have developed during the first phase of the project. The transition to Phase 2 marks the end of a fruitful first project phase dedicated to Interregional learning, with many valuable exchanges, sharing of good practices successful experiences and tools to improve the policy instruments addressed by the project.
During Phase 1, all Action Plans went through a mid-term review which marked a first milestone in their drafting and approaching. Hence, a long and challenging learning period will soon come to an end. Recommended actions will be further enforced until all Action Plans will receive their formal approval and partners will start monitoring the progress.
We take this opportunity to thank all the partners involved in the process for the commitment and work undergone so far and Interreg Europe Joint Secretariat and Policy Learning Platform for their support! Our appreciation also goes for:
- the involvement, in October 2020 in the first digital edition of European Week Of Regions and Cities, where we all had the chance to promote cultural heritage initiatives and share good practices on "Resilient Heritage Cohesive Society" interactive session co-organised with IE Projects Share and Innocastle. The figures speak by themselves: 3 weeks full of events in which 10.000 participants and 2.000 speakers attended over 500 sessions!
- the inclusion of FINCH good practices and initiatives into the Policy Brief “Built Cultural Heritage – Integrating heritage buildings into contemporary society” published in June 2020 from the Policy Learning Platform on Environment and resource efficiency
- the participation of FINCH Project – following IE Policy Learning Platform team invitation - to the online discussion on "sustainable cultural tourism as an opportunity for local development" that took place on March 2020.
The closure of Phase 1 will be celebrated by a video release, so stay tuned for this great forthcoming promotional event!