Reclaimed from the sea; that is the Province of Flevoland. Once the Zuiderzee, now the youngest province in the Netherlands. Flevoland has over 400,000 residents and 890 square kilometers of agricultural open land with a strict layout of large and efficient fields. With the cleanest water and the most fertile soil we have the perfect conditions for the agro food sector. In Flevoland there are entrepreneurs who produce for the world market, but there are also those who look for other options. They want to process their produce themselves and supply directly to (local) consumers and businesses, resulting in a shortened food chain. The province of Flevoland and Aeres (university of applied science) are supporting these farmers with knowledge exchange with other European regions through the Interreg project Food Chains 4 EU. Together we are looking for innovations on how to develop a regional (Flevoland) brand and to organise joint distribution and marketing